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Student ministry is a critical part of the life of SPCC. We place a high priority on our student ministries not only because our students are the future leaders for the body of Christ in the coming decades, but also because their impact right now on the Kingdom of God can be awesome!


Midweek: Illumin8

Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm


At Illumin8, middle school and high school students have an opportunity to hang out, have fun, and worship God together. God has intentionally built the family of God to support, encourage, and spur one another on through this difficult life (and this time in life is no walk in the park!) Join us on Tuesday nights and experience the hope, help, and home found in Christ!  

We typically play goofy games, share stories from our week, worship God together in a group, and spend time in small groups.


Sunday Morning Services: SMS

Sundays at 10:45am during the school year


Tailored to students in 6th-10th grade but all middle and high school students are invited to SMS. A gathering time of fun, friendship and getting into the Word.

SMS runs most weekends. Check out the calendar for dates.



We take part in a lot of awesome events throughout the year. Some for only middle school or only high school and many for all students! Summer, Fall and Winter retreats, themed nights at Illumin8, waterslides and beach days, discipleship opportunities, hikes, BBQs, shave-cream nights and tons more! Check out the Student Ministry calendar for upcoming dates!


and more...


At SPCC, we are committed to never allowing a student to be kept back from an event for the reason of insufficient funds. On occasion, a family may have financial need. The primary way we seek to meet this need is to encourage the student to earn the money needed for the activity on their own (babysitting, cleaning, yard work, etc.). This teaches responsibility and develops ownership. If this resource is not available, we have limited scholarship money that is donated by the generosity of people at SPCC. Download the Scholarship Form and email to Pastor Justin.

Bible Reading Plan

​My Time With God: Student Edition is a Bible reading plan provided as a tool for students to listen and respond to Jesus on their own. Download the quarterly My Time with God.


Meet Justin

Student Ministry Pastor

I enjoy Taco Bell, rock climbing, my dogs Wrigley and Morie, playing music, coffee, and talking with students about life. I am married to the most wonderful woman on the planet and we both love to be used by God in whatever way possible. We are super excited to meet our baby in December 2024.

Galatians 2:20 

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